Sustainable thermochemical upcycling of biomass byproducts and waste for biopolyol production

About Us

ecorbio specialises in breakthrough, patent-pending biopolyol production technologies and products.

Our Goal

Produce truly sustainable, cost-effective and high-quality biopolyols, enabling production of polyurethanes high in renewable carbon content.

Our Technologies

Our technologies match our strategy to offer tailored end-user products of outstanding engineering at competitive prices.

Our Vision

Become a significant international manufacturer and supplier of highly-sustainable biopolyols.

Our motivation

Driven by the ongoing global environmental detriment and climate crisis exacerbated by fossil resource extraction and high levels of green house gas emissions.


Change is needed

Uncertainties in crude oil reserves and associated environmental hazards incentivise the creation of a green economy.

Dependence on fossil resources

Current polyurethane markets are still dominated by petroleum-based polyols.

Unsustainable alternatives

Commercial biopolyols are food competitive or use virgin feedstocks and chemicals.

Biopolyols – a raw material for polyurethane synthesis

As a polymeric material, polyurethane (PU/PUR) is broadly used for manufacturing thermally insulated construction panels, domestic use construction filler foams and plastics, commercial and domestic wood adhesives, with industrial applicability in construction, buildings, furniture and more sectors. The growing need for polyols (a key raw material for producing polyurethane) has already created a global, high-volume market demand of 11 megatonnes (Mt) annually.

BioPU wood adhesives

Biopolyurethane adhesives made with Crudyol biopolyols exhibit good bonding and tensile strength properties.

Construction rigid foams

Polyurethane based rigid foams can be used for insulation or utilised as a gap-filling adhesive to fix, fill and seal against noise, cold, and drafts.

Hard biopolyurethane plastics

Biopolyurethane can be cast to manufacture custom-tailored products featuring high wear resistance and low friction.

Latest News

Finally, full-scale tests are a go!

A glimpse into initial small-scale testing – the validation of the different sub-systems, their interaction and tailoring the SOPs.

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Centrifuges attaining optimal RPMs!

High speeds are necessary for the centrifuges to operate properly and effectively treat the crude biopolyols.

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The sensors are sensing!

All tests went well – the sensors are reliably and continuously monitoring key process parameters.

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Crudyol: A Revolutionary Biopolyol Solution

Development and validation of an innovative small-scale prototype biopolyol plant via direct chemical upcycling of biomass byproducts

Our validated and patent-pending chemical production process, based on direct chemical upcycling and valorisation, incorporates multiple industrial by-product and waste biomass streams as raw materials to produce truly sustainable, cost-effective and high-quality biopolyols.

Highly sustainable

Crudyol expands the range of high-value products via utilising sustainable feedstocks, resulting in highly sustainable biopolyols.

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Circular Economy compliant

Our technology highly supports and disseminaties the concept of circular economy as well as bio-refining.

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By-product valorization

The production of Crudyol is based on the valorization of multiple low-value industrial by-product streams.

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First to market

Based on our technology roadmap and market analysis, Crudyol aims to become the first waste-derived biopolyol to reach the market.

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The project CODEVELOP-AG-SH-HE/0823/0181 – BIO4MAR is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF).

The project 2023-19821/IW/CALL 2 – Bio4MorPUR represents financial EU support and funding through the Eureka Innowwide instrument.

Our technology core team

ecorbio has been massively supported by a high calibre core team that includes chemical, environmental and industrial machinery engineers and experts, as well as business development and sales professionals.

Dr. Lukas Jasiūnas

CEO and Founder

Chemical, Process and Mech. Engineer

Dr. Panayiotis Philimis

CEO of GRAVITY Incubator / Advisor

Business Development & Sales Expert

Ms. Rozalia Persiani

Project engineer/Lab lead

Biotech/Chemical Engineer

Mr. Arestis Vrontis

Industrial Machinery Expert – CyRIC

Industrial Engineer

Mr. Savvas Nicolaides

Electrical/Control Engineer – CyRIC

Control/Automation Engineer

Ms. Electra Pieridou

Chief of Compliance – CyRIC

Senior Accounts

Get in touch with our team.

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